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Asim Aliloski

Award-winning Business & Life Coach, Base-12 Energy Healer & Personal Mentor


Discover the balance between external success and inner fulfillment!


Unlock overall abundance, mental-emotional balance, and spiritual connection through self-mastery. 


My work combines advanced spiritual guidance and Base-12 energy healing with professional coaching for your holistic personal and professional transformation and empowerment.



Golden Square Vienna - Austria l Palais Bellevue Nice - French Riviera - Monaco

Mail: office@asimaliloski.com l Phone: +4313451430



Discover the balance between external success and inner fulfillment!


Your Journey to Inner Wealth & Your True Nature


If you’re reading this, you may be at a point in your life where achieving external success is no longer enough to truly fulfill you.


You’re an entrepreneur, a leader, or an ordinary human with extraordinary visions. You’re passionate about your business and career, set high standards, and get a lot done. But deep down inside, do you feel emptiness, pressure, insecurity or a constant sensation of restlessness? Do you sometimes get in your own way?


As a business and life coach, I understand very well that the path to success is often accompanied by challenges that go deeper than what we can actually see.


Constantly striving for success drives you further and further into an endless cycle of “doing more and more.” In the long run, you not only risk your physical and mental health but also the long-term success you’ve been hoping for.


If any of this resonates with you, then it's time to pause and find new perspective. As your personal mentor, I will support you and your team in reshaping not only your career but your entire life in a fulfilling, peaceful, and abundant way.


I firmly believe that you were born both for external success and for inner wealth and spiritual fulfillment.




What Makes My Coaching Unique


My coaching blends profound spiritual guidance with advanced Base-12 energy healing techniques, offering a comprehensive approach that nurtures both personal and professional growth.


Unlike standard coaching programs, my method is rooted in ancient spiritual wisdom and modern energy healing, delivering a transformative experience beyond conventional coaching.


  • Spiritual Guidance: I help clients connect deeply with their multidimensional higher selves through advanced spiritual teachings and practices, achieving profound inner peace.
  • Base-12 Energy Healing: This unique technique releases energetic blockages, aligns chakras, and elevates consciousness, enhancing well-being and clarity on all 12 levels of our multidimensional existence.
  • Holistic Coaching: I emphasize balancing external success with inner fulfillment, enabling clients to excel in all life areas through personal and professional coaching.
  • Exclusive Practices: Clients gain access to rare, advanced spiritual and healing practices not widely available.


By combining ancient wisdom with state-of-the-art techniques like Base-12 Energy Healing and Quantum Energy Technology, my coaching integrates spiritual, mental, and physical elements, fostering holistic transformation. Please read our Coaching FAQs for more.



For Private Individuals

We have these solutions for you...

Addressing Limiting Beliefs and Self-Doubt:

Through spiritual guidance, I help you identify and dismantle limiting beliefs and self-doubt that hold you back. By connecting with your higher self, you can set and achieve your highest goals.


Gaining Clarity and Direction:

If you feel lost or unsure about your life’s direction, I provide spiritual insights to help you discover your true purpose. Together, we will set clear, actionable goals and create a roadmap to achieve them.


Balancing Emotional and Mental States:

Using advanced spiritual practices and energy healing, I help you achieve emotional and mental balance. This promotes overall well-being, enabling you to experience inner peace and happiness.


Releasing Energetic Blockages:

My unique Base-12 energy healing techniques help in releasing energetic blockages and aligning your chakras. This elevates your consciousness, leading to enhanced health, clarity, and vitality.


Healing Trauma and Negative Patterns:

Through spiritual practices, I address and heal unresolved traumas or negative patterns. This fosters personal growth, emotional liberation, and a more fulfilling life.


Achieving Work-Life Balance:

I emphasize a holistic approach to development, ensuring that you can balance external success with inner fulfillment. This helps you to thrive in both your personal and professional life.


Deepening Spiritual Connection:

For those seeking deeper spiritual connection, I guide you through advanced spiritual practices to connect with your higher self. This helps you achieve a state of profound inner peace and enlightenment.


Unlocking (Financial) Abundance:

By shifting your mindset and addressing energetic imbalances, I help you unlock your potential for financial abundance. This paves the way for greater prosperity and wealth in your life.

For Corporate Clients and Organizations:

We have these solutions for you...

Enhancing Leadership and Team Performance:

I combine coaching insights with energy work to help leaders and teams unlock their full potential. By addressing energetic imbalances and fostering a deeper divine connection, I enhance leadership effectiveness, communication, and collaboration.


Improving Workplace Well-being:

Using advanced energy healing techniques, I create programs that reduce stress and improve emotional and mental well-being. This promotes a healthier work environment and increases employee engagement and productivity.


Driving Organizational Growth:

I align organizational goals with spiritual principles and energy alignment, helping businesses overcome internal barriers and achieve sustainable growth. My coaching fosters a forward-thinking mindset and mental resilience.


Facilitating Change and Innovation:

Through spiritual guidance and energy work, I support organizations in navigating change and embracing innovation. This helps teams adapt to new challenges and seize growth opportunities with confidence.


Building a Resilient Workforce:

I empower employees with coaching tools and energy techniques to build resilience, manage stress, and thrive in a dynamic work environment. This results in a robust and agile organization capable of handling adversity.


Promoting Ethical Leadership:

My coaching emphasizes ethical leadership grounded in spiritual values and integrity. This builds trust and credibility with stakeholders, driving responsible decision-making and sustainable success.

Our Signature Services

Base-12 bioregenesis coaching and mentoring for companies, organizations & individuals


The Premium Coachings & Mentoring for Leaders, Executives, Entrepreneurs & Creatives

Unlock the unlimited potential within you and align your life and career with your soul’s purpose. Asim Aliloski offers transformational coaching and spiritual ascension based on sacred Maharata texts, catering to leaders, creatives, geniuses, entrepreneurs, and ordinary people with extraordinary visions. Experience personal and professional transformation, empowering you to reach unprecedented heights.


Rediscover optimum health and wellbeing through the revolutionary Base-12 self-healing approach. Realign with your divine nature, accessing higher states of awareness where miracles and transformations flourish. Release any resistance hindering your healing, well-being, divine mission, and abundance, and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness.

The Million € Coaching - VIP Diamond Salon

The Diamond Salon is your Elysium roadmap to realizing your fullest potential while cultivating inner peace and fulfilment. It harnesses the limitless power of your mind, nurtures your heart and soul, and maximizes the long-term success of your purpose, peace and prosperity.


The Diamond Salon is for all high-net worth souls ready for ultimate mastery in all areas of their lives, tapping into their highest state of consciousness and realizing their highest potential. Welcome to the diamond crown of all coachings with the most exclusive VIP guidance from Asim and his professional team.

Wealth & Health Retreats - French Riviera

Escape to a private sanctuary for self-healing and breakthroughs on the picturesque French Riviera. In collaboration with Asim Aliloski and Tomasz Major, immerse yourself in a luxurious, beachfront villa where a dedicated team caters to your every need. Experience spiritual healing through advanced Base-12 technology, providing you with a transformative adventure of rejuvenation and inner growth.


Embark on a transformative journey to recharge, rethink, and reinvent yourself and your business amidst the stunning backdrop of the French Riviera. Break free from outdated strategies and paradigms to achieve lasting breakthroughs in both your personal life and career.

Holistic Real Estate Consulting - French Riviera

Our homes, communities, and surrounding environment directly affect our daily behaviours and lifestyles, and together these determine our well-being. We will help you develop the right mindset to attract the dream home and lifestyle you have always been envisioning.


We love helping people gain clarity, and confidence in making the best decisions for their lifestyle dreams. Explore our finest real estate portfolio on the French Riviera and reputable networking taking you to your dream home and environment.

Base-12 Light & Sound Ascension Frequencies

Reveal your 12D Divine Template with the transformative power of sound. Activate your ability to heal and manifest through the celestial music available at Asim’s Ascension Online Store.


Transcend to higher states of consciousness and tap into abundance by engaging in spiritual upliftment. These potent frequencies are your daily escort for consciousness expansion and embodiment.

My Coaching Is Ideal For

Visionary Leaders:

Successful professionals or entrepreneurs seeking to deepen their spiritual connection and elevate their capabilities.

Ambitious Achievers:

Driven individuals aiming for excellence in all areas of life and ready to unlock their full potential.

Spiritual Seekers:

Those committed to exploring and fulfilling their life’s purpose through a transformative spiritual journey.

Dedicated Healers:

Individuals recovering from emotional or spiritual wounds and looking for advanced healing techniques.

Aspiring Spiritual Leaders:

People with a calling to enhance their spiritual gifts and inspire others.

Transformation Enthusiasts:

Those eager for significant, positive changes and ready to break free from old patterns.

Influential Figures:

Celebrities, artists, or influencers wanting to deepen their inner strength and authenticity.

Dynamic Collaborators:

Couples or groups ready to support each other in personal and collective growth.


This coaching is not ideal for:

Those seeking casual or quick fixes rather than deep, transformative work.
Individuals unmotivated or resistant to profound changes.
Short-term thinkers or skeptics of spiritual practices.
People unprepared for the financial investment required or not seeking personal growth.




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© 2024 Asim Aliloski International l Vienna - French Riviera - Monaco

